First you come home after a hard days work. Do the usual, walk the dogs, feed the horses and then the fun begins!
Get a car and a trailer.
Try to attach them without wrecking the car or the trailer. Remember, you are a woman after all...
Be amazed that the attachment was final in five minutes! Wish that someone had seen this performance. Of course you are home alone when something like this happens...
Then, select a victim. Take the first volunteer horse and take her to a trailer.
When going to a trailer, you remenber that this horse has not travelled for a long time, and certainly has not been loaded to a trailer by one person only.
Be amazed that the loading was final in five minutes! Wish that someone had seen this performance. Of course you are home alone when something like this happens...
Then, start the car and let the journey begin!
After ten minutes you have arrived to your destination. Take the horse off the trailer and set her free!
Then it is time to go back home. First challenge is to reverse the car-trailer-combination in 90 degrees corner in order to get the hell out of the yard. Remember, you are a woman after all...
Be amazed that the reverse was final in five minutes! Wish that someone had seen this performance. Of course you are alone when something like this happens...
Drive home and reverse the car-trailer-combination to exactly the same place as you took the trailer from.
Be amazed that the reverse was final in, hmm, let´s say about seven minutes. Wish that someone had seen this performance. Of course you are home alone when something like this happens...
After this, count the horses which are left in your yard, and be amazed, there are only five of them left!
What the hell do you do with all of your free time?
Drink one bottle of wine to celebrate todays success. Remember, only one bottle, you are a hard working woman tomorrow, after all...
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